This blog is to chronicle the transition we will be making back to a simpler life. I determined to reduce all the chaos in my world. The chaos closed in on me one day when I felt smothered by all the 'stuff' we possess. The stuff seemed to possess us rather than being possessed by us. A giant light bulb went off over my head and I took a stand…a stand to reclaim my life by eliminating the 'stuff' smothering me. Since that day, I have worked, admittedly not always as consistently as I would like, to pare down our belongings, reduce the clutter and take steps to return to s simpler way of life. To say I have made a great deal of progress would not be true. For every one thing I discard, I uncover three more! EKK, layers and layers of stuff……
Oh, just so you know…Hacienda Hill is my name for our humble abode. We live on a hill in south
So, if you have ideas and suggestions, PLEASE feel free to send them. Here's to a simple life on Hacienda Hill.
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