Friday, August 6, 2010

Day 1

Changes are coming....some by choice, some by necessity and some are just forced on us. Yesterday, I discovered my clothes dryer had stopped drying mid-cycle the day before and a load of bed sheets were quite soured for it. You just cannot leave semi-wet clothes in the dryer in south Texas in the summer! Ewww. My Honey tried to diagnose the problem and fix it but to no avail. The sheets had to be rewashed, of course, and the load I had just washed had to be hung outside.

We were married four years before Honey told me he liked his jeans hung outside to dry. Likes the feel of them. Not having an official clothes line, I have utilized the fence around our back porch and a line hung under the roof of the porch. The line is too high for my 5' 3" frame, so fence, it is! The fence is to keep the dogs in. I successfully managed to get both the load of clothes and sheets dried yesterday afternoon thanks to the never ending hot Texas afternoons. I am investing in a more user friendly clothes line this weekend. Clothes were hung to dry for a long time before electric dryer came around anyway. I rather enjoy it. One step closer to a simple life on Hacienda Hill.

A while back I read that using dryer sheets can make your towels less absorbent. I did the test to see and it was true. So every three washes or so, I have been hanging the towels out to dry anyway.

Benefit: less electricity used, no immediate money spent to repair or replace dryer and I get more exercise stretching to reach the line!! What a deal.

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