Saturday, August 7, 2010

Day 2 - Walking the Line

Today was a good day. Last evening I went and purchased the materials to create my user friendly clothes line. Tho he was dead tired, my Honey did the manly thing and installed it for me anyway. I am the proud owner of a new laundry drying facility with more than 4 times the line space than before and the best part....I can actually reach it!! Yippie! Actually, we ran a 50' line through four different points of attachment to the beams under the porch roof. Since it is really just one long line in an odd trapezoid shape, I can lower the line I'm putting clothes on by putting the clothespin bag on it. As I add more clothes, it gets more and more handy. Then I move the bag to the next side and the filled one raises up and the new line lowers. It is too cool!

I washed a load right before I went to bed, then hung it out early this morning. Something very organic about all that. My cousin, Terry, said I might not be so enthused with it this winter but let's face it, our winters are mild and we do not have a lot of rainy days. Cold wind dries clothes just like hot wind. I prefer cold weather, so I'm not anticipating much trouble with winter.

Admittedly I hung my 'unmentionables' on hangers on the utility room yesterday but now that I have all these new lines they can be hung where my nickers can't be seen flapping in the breeze! LOL!! Did a trial run with Honey's manly man like a charm.

I can see where this will require a little planning last minute, "oops, gotta throw that in the dryer for a little wrinkle reduction" or "I've got nothin' to wear". Must plan ahead but that's ok, I usually do anyway. Have ironing board, will go wrinkle free! Ironing relaxes me and I enjoy the instant gratification of seeing the changes from wiggly to clean lines. Hanging the shirts upside down really allows them to dry with little to no ironing needed anyway. Whoo-hoo! My Honey irons, too! He's a champ!

Benefits: fresh morning air in my lungs, no electric power used to dry clothes, Honey shares my master plan for simpler life, shirts waving in the breeze made me smile

Flip-side: I can't see out into the back yard from back door or my office area when clothes are on line. I have to take 4 whole steps to look out LR window - LOL

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