Tuesday, August 23, 2011

It's the Little Things

In my pursuit of returning to a more simple life, I realized I've long made it a practice to seek out the little things that add a touch of comfort, familiarity or just plain make me feel good. I've never been a high maintenance girl or had to be entertained to be content. I'm fortunate enough to enjoy time in my head and I take it everywhere I go! LOL

I think we have gotten to a place is space with so many techie toys that many of us are unable to be content without them. We have forgotten how to just 'be' without being occupied by some outside stimulus. Nothing simple about that life. So this morning, as I was enjoying one of the little things I do for myself, I thought I'd share some of them. Hope you'll share yours, too.

Last Bite - As I eat a meal, there comes a point where I know what I want to be my last bite. Maybe it's a favorite veggie, or the last piece of meat, whatever. It's the flavor I savor as I walk away from the meal. My Honey & I were at a seafood restaurant where I was enjoying one of my favorites, oysters, and we were having an exciting conversation because we had just come from the hospital where we met our new grandson, Jacob! Needless to say, my attention was on the joyful event. I realized I had mindlessly finished the oysters. "Oh, no! I don't have one for my last bite!" This was the first my husband heard of my 'last bite' habit. He laughed and asked if I actually planned my last bite and I replied, "Of course, don't you?" He thought it a silly thing I did this but he ordered 3 more oysters just so I could savor my last bite. Since that time, I might add, he often makes a point to choose a 'last bite' and has learned to appreciate the habit. It's a little thing that brings me joy. No batteries required.

Post Breakfast Coffee - My blood does not really flow until I have sipped my way through my first cup of coffee. By this time, I've done my Bible reading and maybe even gotten the Truth in the Morning blog out. I may have a little more but am into my morning routines, so it usually goes cold on me. I don't really drink much during meals, I prefer my libation afterward. Thus was born my habit of Post Breakfast Coffee. I make a point of stopping all activity and sit down to compose myself while I enjoy that last coffee in peace before resuming my work. It is but a small thing I do to take time to breathe deeply and enjoy a short time of meditating on my day's game plan. I come away refreshed, refocused and with a sense of preparedness because I took a few minutes to take care of me. Big rewards from such a little thing.

We often think we don't have time to even think about doing things for ourselves because we have so much responsibility on our shoulders. Friends, we can not maintain to hustle and bustle of modern life without taking care of ourselves. Rarely will you find yourself with extra time so we need to carve out time. I was a single-again mom a long time and learned quickly that if I did not take care of me, no one took care of me. Out of sheer stress and burnout, learning to do the little things was born. I had no money for luxuries like manicures or getting my hair done, that was incomprehensible to me. So I learned to find pleasure in small ways that took neither time nor money away from my family. I discovered it was fun to uncover new 'little things' to appreciate. They are usually there all along, the key is deciding to take time to appreciate them.

Next time you're feeling like life is cheating you somehow and you are not getting all that you deserve or want, go on a treasure hunt. The 'little things' you find for your life add richness and joy when you make a point of taking a moment or two to appreciate them for the treasures they are.

That's my view of simple life from Hacienda Hill this morning.  

Thursday, August 11, 2011

My Little Purple Friend

Let's talk about toilet bowl brushes! We are learning to live a more Simple Life, after all, so anything that moves us toward that end is up for discussion. I have found an awesome toilet bowl brush. Let me  backup a minute....

I've mentioned before that it is easier to like my husband when we do not share a bathroom. Man hair...ugh! Anyway, our bathrooms are as far apart in our house as they can get. This works for me! Except, when I would have to transport the toilet bowl brush from one end to the other. For the longest time I've told myself I needed to get two brushes to end that particular insanity. I do not know about you, but I never think about toilet bowl brushes until it's time to use them. Then it's too late, I'm stuck transporting the nasty thing again.

I subscribe to FlyLady, a site dedicated  to helping those of us 'organizationally challenged' souls to find easier ways to do things. FlyLady researches common tools we use around the house and came up with the awesome purple toilet bowl brush. I've read the testimonials from people saying it was amazing and wondered just how amazing a toilet bowl brush could be. One day, after having had the TBB (toliet bowl brush) transfer again, I just decided I would order two of them while I was thinking about it and not wait hoping I remembered to buy TBBs when I actually got into town.

On Monday I was being driven home by a friend and I asked if she would stop and let me check my mail. I was anticipating the arrival of the package. I climbed back in her truck, all excited. Another friend asked what I had received. When I said toilet bowl brushes, she exclaimed loudly, "Why would you order toilet bowl brushes when you can get them at WalMart?" I told her she would just have to wait and see. I then pulled out my magnificent new purple toilet bowl brush. It was like Christmas all over for me!

This unique looking purple wonder is cute as it can be but how will it perform on the real test - the hard water rings? I am delighted to say it is almost magical. The trick, of course, is to stay on top of the rings and not let them build up. As part of my morning toilette (I love that word!), I  Swish & Swipe (FlyLady language) before I leave the room. This means 'Swish' the toilet bowl with TBB and 'Swipe' the counter, sink and flat surfaces on toilet with rag. I walk out of my bathroom with it spotless and find it welcoming when I revisit later. It is one of my favorite routines because I can walk away not having to worry about the condition of the room the rest of the day. My husband's bathroom....well.....not so much.

This is where the purple FlyLady TBB really shows its stuff -my husband has been Swishing & Swiping ever since I put the TBB in his bathroom!!!!!  That's right, he does it himself! Now is that an amazing toilet bowl brush or what?! Yep, life is better around here with our purple TBBs! Ah, the Simple Life!

Thursday, August 4, 2011

A Year in Review

Good morning, Friends!

I am happy to report that this Saturday we celebrate the first anniversary of Simple Life on Hacienda Hill. We will be out doing work for our ministry over the weekend, and I won't have an opportunity to send out the post then, so we are having an early acknowledgment. I have to say, the year flew by!

Simple Life was conceived to log our progress in change after I saw the need and felt overwhelming desire to make life more simple, go back to the basics, live a greener lifestyle and breath in more peace.

Since last summer, we have made changes that bless us everyday. Life in the world is crazy enough and we have no control over any of it. BUT, we can control the environment in which we live inside our homes, our sanctuaries. No, we can't twitch our noses and have our humble abode turn into a MacMansion, nor would I want to! I have lived in a 6000 sq foot monstrosity  and I have lived in a single car converted garage apartment which was basically 2 1/2 tiny rooms. The size of your 'house' has little bearing on the size of your 'home'. Simple Life deals with our homes! 

In our quest for a greener, more Simple Life, I stopped using the electric clothes dryer a year ago and still love it. I immediately saw the difference in our light bill, what's not to love there? I enjoy the breaks from the office to hang out the laundry in the fresh air. With my limitation of time in the sun, our clotheslines are under our back porch roof. It has little bearing on drying time and I am protected. It's been a win-win deal as far as we're concerned. Can't you just smell those fresh sheets now?

We have de-cluttered and pared down so much already but 'stuff' multiplies like rabbits and that is an ongoing process. We are still working on our mental de-cluttering...talk about processes! LOL Old ways of thinking can jam up the peace in your home as much as anything else! Just because you've always done something the same way doesn't mean its the best way. Likewise, just because your opinion has always been one thing doesn't mean it's the only way either! De-cluttering our minds of old worn-out excuses and justifications and behaviors is more important than throwing out knick-knacks.

On the practical side, we are about to have to replace our old original A/C system. It's 20+ years old, not every efficient, thought it does still cool the house, it just have to work too hard to do so. Wisdom dictates we replace it before it goes out on one of our 100+ degree days! We are shooting for an energy efficient and allergy sensitive system. Gonna reduce our 'energy footprint' on the earth and help me breathe at the same time.

Over the past year I've come to understand that living a Simple Life does not come overnight and you have to work at in the beginning. Most of us grew up in a time of postwar parents loving the modern conveniences and those of us 'boomer babies' were ingrained believing we deserved them. I'm all for technology, though it is often the bane of my existence, but new and advanced does not always translate to 'better'. I grew up watching StarTrek; I don't want my meals to be wrapped in a pill. I want real food, cooked by real people, and served on a real plate (no paper for me-thanks - think of those trees and landfills!).

I want my hands in the dirt, growing things without pesticides, to feed my family. Can you picture Jesus sitting under a tree with a Big Mac in a styrofoam box? Not hardly. God gave us good things to eat and man turned them into fat-laden, genetically engineered, nutrition-free and emotionally addicting toxic fares in a foam box that will not decompose no matter how long it lives in the landfill. I have composted for years and you can see the quick turnover from  kitchen veggie scrapes to useable soil in no time. Is it the easiest way to go? NOPE! But it is a back to the basics, greener and healthier lifestyle de-cluttered of old mentalities and ways.

That's our Simple Life on Haciendas Hill. It's more peaceful and rewarding than I thought possible. Isn't that worth working for? Hope you'll hang around to see what the next year brings! Happy Birthday, Simple Life! 

Monday, August 1, 2011

In With the New, Out With the Old

My goodness bad habits die hard! Or is it...hardly die? The things we do to ourselves by creating and/or evolving into bad habits! It's sad...

Our A/C unit needs to be replaced. The poor old thing is 20+ years old and we knew a few years ago its days were numbered. After coming home from an single overnight trip to find it frozen up and the house hotter than h....well you know...we knew we could not put it off any longer. An A/C guy my Honey works with is coming this afternoon to see the size of the house, size of existing unit and recommend what we need to get. We need his advice, I'm glad he's coming.

Early this morning, however,  I was singing the "woe is me" song thinking I would not be able to get much work done today because I would need to get the house in order for this company. As I walked to the kitchen to prepare my breakfast, I scoped out the place. Guest/My bathroom looks great - check. Living room would take maybe 2 minutes to dust & 3 to sweep. Kitchen maybe another 3 just to sweep, wipe counters/table. The official 'dining area' is sadly a storage area for our ministry while we search for a suitable facility but even that is nicely pulled together - check. That's it for public spaces in our home. A whopping 8 minutes worth of house foo-foo and that's it! Yet, here I was, bemoaning the labor ahead. You know why? Because it is a habit of stinking thing...that's why!

How many times have you wanted to have guest for dinner but didn't because you thought it was too much trouble to get ready? I used to jump every time a car pulled up my driveway thinking someone would want to come in. Sad, that! We had dinner guest a week or so ago. My Honey kept watching me, waiting for me to go into 'manic crazy mode' but I was watching my favorite PBS stuff and kicked back and relaxed. I could tell he was getting nervous.

"What's the matter?" I asked.
"Well, what do you want me to do to get ready?" he asks out of old stinking thinking.
"Could you vacuum the living room?"
"That's it?" he asks.
"That's it."
"Nothing else?"
"Look around, nothing else to do."

So he took a nap! LOL Having decluttered, clean out and pared down, it takes less actual work to keep the house company ready. Ah, a simple life on Hacienda Hill. Who knew? Honey & I are still in the stage where we have to work at keeping the good habits in play, it doesn't come naturally to us as it might you but we are down the road to where we want to be on this. I don't have to stress about it, yet I did this morning out of old stinking thinking. So, the newest habit I want to develop is not to sing the same old tired song of 'woe is me'. You have no idea how delightful it felt to realize there was no 'woe' to be found!

I even scrubbed my Honey's bathroom while in my state of sheer elation! LOL It is much easier for me to like my husband when we do not share a bathroom. *giggle* That may be way more than you ever wanted to know about us but I stay befuddled and confused at HOW he can get that bathroom mirror looking like that! I do not even want to know. I don't ask!