Day 7 was another busy day. Did some prep cooking for dishes for the weekend. More getting ready for guest. Which arrived safely last night! Yah! Poor Honey was so tired and up way past his bedtime. He's a Trooper, tho. He wanted to wait up for our guests.
You should see the looks my brother, Michael, gives me when I tell him to stop wasting water and safe it for the herbs! LOL Let's just say conservation doesn't cross his radar on a regular basis and he thinks I'm a bit nuts. He's a little brother, he's entitled to his opinion no matter how wrong and stupid it might be!!! LOL
Day 8 - So far, nothing I have prepared for meals has met the approval of young guest. Boy, will he get hungry this weekend...LOL Our hounds, Nikos, Chelsie and Pan Dulce are soaking up all the extra attention. Guest heading to Sea World today. Me, I'll be preparing for our stint to host Parent's Night Out for the church kids Saturday evening. Honey is at work. He has more OT tomorrow before PNO (Parent's Night Out)...bummer to be him Saturday evening!!. He will be one pooped Papa!!!!
Oh, I discovered a new perk to hanging the clothes out. Since my clothesline is under the back porch and my dogs are fenced in on the back porch, the wet clothes seem to keep it cooler for them. I was afraid it might make things more humid but the flapping of wet clothes in the breeze actually makes it better! That's probably the best I can do for conservation and simple living this weekend. As the self-appointed energy sheriff I have been biting my tongue and trying to be a gracious hostess. However, I am enjoying the company so I can bite my tongue a few days. Family time is precious and a few extra turns on the old light meter isn't worth blowing that over!
See ya on Monday. Till then, think green, fresh and clean and energy efficient! Compost something!!!!
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