Friday, August 20, 2010

Sealed with a KISS

In my quest for a more simple life at Hacienda Hill I need a paradigm shift. You see, I have always been a planner, a list maker, a map reader.....etc. The paradigm shift I refer to is in the area it comes...the dreaded over-achiever. I put so much on my plate of things to do, that I moved up from a plate to a platter years ago just to hold it all. I do this to myself, no one else has the giant list of expectations of me.

Last night, my Honey brought me around to reality when I was sharing with him some things I wanted to get done today. We are having company again this weekend and I wanted to finish the window cornice boards to match my new curtains. This requires they be reupholstered. It's not a big job in and of itself but it's another that isn't really necessary.

He pointed out that I had enough to do without creating new jobs. Oh, he also pointed out that I wanted to do this while trying to deal with a very painful foot. Each step is agonizing at the moment and here I was loading up my platter with unnecessary tasks. He suggested I focus on what really counts, rather than the extraneous things Ms. Over-achiever wanted to do. He doesn't call me Ms. Over-achiever, that's my name for it, but he has lived with her for a long time now!!!! Bless his heart, he lives with me, Brat Child and Ms. Over-achiever. Egad!

Sometimes it takes someone else to get us to slow down long enough to realize we are at warp speed doing extraneous things that tie us in a knot and we need to just STOP! So, in the name of striving for a simple life on Hacienda Hill, I am making myself scratch things off the To-Do list and just look forward to having our friends in our imperfect though albeit comfortable home. I will nurse my foot, feed my guest, and enjoy their company. I will thank God for home and hearth, good friends and stress free fellowship. Remember the KISS theory ...Keep It Simple, Silly!

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