Thursday, August 11, 2011

My Little Purple Friend

Let's talk about toilet bowl brushes! We are learning to live a more Simple Life, after all, so anything that moves us toward that end is up for discussion. I have found an awesome toilet bowl brush. Let me  backup a minute....

I've mentioned before that it is easier to like my husband when we do not share a bathroom. Man hair...ugh! Anyway, our bathrooms are as far apart in our house as they can get. This works for me! Except, when I would have to transport the toilet bowl brush from one end to the other. For the longest time I've told myself I needed to get two brushes to end that particular insanity. I do not know about you, but I never think about toilet bowl brushes until it's time to use them. Then it's too late, I'm stuck transporting the nasty thing again.

I subscribe to FlyLady, a site dedicated  to helping those of us 'organizationally challenged' souls to find easier ways to do things. FlyLady researches common tools we use around the house and came up with the awesome purple toilet bowl brush. I've read the testimonials from people saying it was amazing and wondered just how amazing a toilet bowl brush could be. One day, after having had the TBB (toliet bowl brush) transfer again, I just decided I would order two of them while I was thinking about it and not wait hoping I remembered to buy TBBs when I actually got into town.

On Monday I was being driven home by a friend and I asked if she would stop and let me check my mail. I was anticipating the arrival of the package. I climbed back in her truck, all excited. Another friend asked what I had received. When I said toilet bowl brushes, she exclaimed loudly, "Why would you order toilet bowl brushes when you can get them at WalMart?" I told her she would just have to wait and see. I then pulled out my magnificent new purple toilet bowl brush. It was like Christmas all over for me!

This unique looking purple wonder is cute as it can be but how will it perform on the real test - the hard water rings? I am delighted to say it is almost magical. The trick, of course, is to stay on top of the rings and not let them build up. As part of my morning toilette (I love that word!), I  Swish & Swipe (FlyLady language) before I leave the room. This means 'Swish' the toilet bowl with TBB and 'Swipe' the counter, sink and flat surfaces on toilet with rag. I walk out of my bathroom with it spotless and find it welcoming when I revisit later. It is one of my favorite routines because I can walk away not having to worry about the condition of the room the rest of the day. My husband's bathroom....well.....not so much.

This is where the purple FlyLady TBB really shows its stuff -my husband has been Swishing & Swiping ever since I put the TBB in his bathroom!!!!!  That's right, he does it himself! Now is that an amazing toilet bowl brush or what?! Yep, life is better around here with our purple TBBs! Ah, the Simple Life!

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