Saturday, October 9, 2010

Help! I've Found the Enemy and It's Me!

I have a confession to make...I am sabotaging myself today in my efforts to live a simple life! Here is how this came to be: our kids, some of them anyway, are coming out tomorrow for lunch. I invited them. I am excited they are coming. The old "pre-simple life me" would have gone to great lengths to prepare a large meal because... well, I'm a cook and that's what I do. Due to my resolve for that simple life, I decided to make a simple meal, no fuss, no muss. I'd rather spend the little time with my family visiting...not cooking, serving, cleaning, etc. "Simple it is!" says I. Crispy tacos, Spanish rice and Borracho Beans for lunch with Key Lime pie for dessert....yummy and SOOOO simple.

Old habits are hard to break, OCD decidedly one of them, Perfectionism another...admittedly, I spent a stupid amount of time in finding the perfect bell pepper - one bell pepper - for the simple Spanish rice I am making. It seems my perfectionism raises its ugly head most often in the produce department...don't me why. Anyway, perfect in size, color, etc bell pepper located and purchased! This morning, as I am preparing the food for tomorrow, I am taking my own sweet, stress-free time and enjoying the least, I was until I could not locate my bell pepper when I needed to add it to the rice. At this point in time, I have searched and researched my fridge, emptied the grocery bags of 'paper stuff', cups, etc, checked the pantry because one cannot be too careful in one's dotage and even called my Honey at work to see if I might have left it in the trunk when I got home from the grocery. I am a mess and have no one to blame but myself. I continued to cook the rice because I was too far into the process to stop. It's ok, only ok...needs a stinkin' bell pepper!

Let me say it is not an easy transition to move to a simple life when one goes about making life harder than it has to be. Did I mention I started slow roasting 10 pounds of meat at 5:30am (today) for tacos tomorrow? **SIGH**

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