You know, the more I venture into the simple life, even if a lot of it is still something we are working toward, the more enamored I am with it. Lately I have had a lot going on, nothing new there, but it has given me even more appreciation for the 'simple life' we have incorporated and a stronger desire to continue on that path.
As much as it entails shedding the excess in our home and world, it is a change in mindset more than anything. Admittedly, my mind is changing faster than my house is being emptied. SOOOOO much stuff yet to go away. In that vein, I bought a new knife last night so I have to get rid of old ones. It's a great trade-off for me! New knife is awesome, old ones...not so much. In fact, I think I will get rid of many knives. I have far too many can I use at one time, anyway?
My Honey has really surprised me with his initiative in shedding clothes. As in getting rid of excess...silly, dirty minds, LOL . He had far too many, most he never wore and he is always contributing to the full bags he has already gathered. I'm impressed. Once the concept sunk in, he became an eager partner. Now if he can grasp the idea of shutting a dresser drawer till it actually closes.....
Clutter can be mental just as much as it is literal stuff. I have shed a lot of mental clutter. There is a lot more to go but it is a process, one about which we need stay diligent. I tell myself that every day. I'm trying to get where I edit thoughts that do not pertain to the most important of issues in my life. I need a more concentrated focus on my writing and letting random, extraneous thoughts occupy my mind is detrimental to my work. However, you must have a clear outline of what the most important issues in your life are. I found a lot of mental clutter came from issues that should not have been on my radar if I were consistently editing and monitoring that which I give time, thought and energy.
Think about that and see if you are expending too much of yourself on issues that are not priorities you have chosen. Shake those other things loose! Let's make a plan to come up with five things (stuff) we get rid of and five things (mental clutter) we shake out of our minds over the long Labor Day weekend. Let me know how you do!!
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